
Fruitlet Juice


This juice loaded with Natural Ingredients which are Clinically Proven or Increase
Circulating Stem Cells. It regulates the blood glucose level. It helps to control the

Bacopa monnieri contains powerful anti-oxidant. It may boost brain function. It may have anti cancer properties. It may have cognition, learning and memory.



This juice loaded with Natural Ingredients which are Clinically Proven or Increase
Circulating Stem Cells. It regulates the blood glucose level. It helps to control the

Bacopa monnieri contains powerful anti-oxidant. It may boost brain function. It may have anti cancer properties. It may have cognition, learning and memory.

Milk Thistle protect your liver. It may help prevent age related decline in brain
function. It may improve cancer treatment. Milk Thistle is promoted as a dietary
supplement for Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Jaundice, Diabetes, Indigestion.

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) supports the nervous system, vision and eye health. Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms. It has been shown to improve heart health by reducing several markers of
cardiovascular stress.

Curcumin can help in the management of oxidation and
inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, anxiety.

Ginseng boost immune system, improve heart health,
treat diabetes, decrease stress.

Dandeloin extract to help treat digestion problems, skin ailments, inflamation,
liver injury, kidney disesase and heartburn.

Saw Palmetto is to treat benign prostatic hyperlasion, a non cancerous enlargement of the prostate glanch.

Boerhhavia diffusa has been used for its anti- diabetic and diuretic properties.

Asparagus Racemosus have anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial effects.

L-Arginine can support heart health, reduce blood pressur, lower blood sugar and
support athletic performance.

rejuvenates and activate body cells to raise energy and improve
overallhealth and vitality. This juice enhance physical stamina, high
anti-oxidant, boost immunity system. Promotes brain and neural
health. It improve appearance of the skin. By increasing the number
of your stem cells, you can nourish joints, skin and internal organs.
Fight cellular mutation, strengthens vision, fights bacteria. It
promotes brain and neural health. It promotes healthy immune


Each 10 ml contains                            100 mg
Raspberry Each 10 ml contains          50 mg
Curcumin                                                 10 mg
Lycopene                                                 2.5 mg
Piperine                                                  100 mg
L-arginine                                                10 mg
Magnesium                                              10 mg
Zinc                                                       217.5 mg
DHA                                                       200 mg
Coral Calcium                                       100 mg
Milk Thistle                                           100 mg
Saw Palmetto                                          75 mg
Dandelion                                                75 mg
Sea Buckthorn                                        75 mg
Strawberry                                              75 mg
Acai berry                                                75 mg
Blue berry                                                75 mg
Goji berry                                                 75 mg
Green Tea                                                75 mg
Black Grape Seed Ext.                          50 mg
Ganoderma                                             50 mg
Moringa                                                 100 mg
Boerhhavia Diffusa                             200 mg
Withania Somnifera                           200 mg
Tinospora Cordifolia                          100 mg
Turmeric                                               200 mg
Terminalia Arjuna                               100 mg
Bacopa Monnieri                                 200 mg
Phyllanthus Indica                              300 mg
Asparagus Racemosus                        100 mg
Tribulus Terrestris                              600 mg
Ginseng                                                    50 mg


10 ml of juice with water or taken directly.

Twice or Thrice a day or as directed by your physician.