Treatment of Acne

What is Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that happens when hair follicles under the skin become clogged. Sebum—oil that helps keep skin from drying out—and dead skin cells plug the pores, which leads to outbreaks of lesions, commonly called pimples or zits. Most often, the outbreaks occur on the face but can also appear on the back, chest, and shoulders.

Acne is an inflammatory disorder of the skin, which has sebaceous (oil) glands that connect to the hair follicle, which contains fine hair. In healthy skin, the sebaceous glands make sebum that empties onto the skin surface through the pore, which is an opening in the follicle. Keratinocytes, a type of skin cell, line the follicle.  Normally as the body sheds skin cells, the keratinocytes rise to the surface of the skin.

Who gets Acne?

People of all races and ages get acne, but it is most common in teens and young adults. When acne appears during the teenage years, it is more common in males. Acne can continue into adulthood, and when it does, it is more common in women.

What are the Causes of Acne?

•    Excess or high production of oil in the pore.
•    Build up dead skin cells in the pore.
•    Growth of bacteria in the pore.

The following factors may increase your risk for developing acne:

•    Hormones. An increase in androgens, which are male sex hormones, may lead to acne. These increase in both boys and girls normally during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy can also cause acne.
•    Family history. Researchers believe that you may be more likely to get acne if your parents had acne.
•    Medications. Certain medications, such as medications that contain hormones, corticosteroids, and lithium, can cause acne.
•    Age. People of all ages can get acne, but it is more common in teens.

What are the signs of acne

Acne signs vary depending on the severity of your condition:
•    Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)
•    Blackheads (open plugged pores)
•    Small red, tender bumps (papules)
•    Pimples (pustules), which are papules with pus at their tips
•    Large, solid, painful lumps under the skin (nodules)
•    Painful, pus-filled lumps under the skin (cystic lesions)

What is the effect of diet on Acne

A healthy diet can affect more on the skin, not only skin looks better also a balanced diet gives you proper nutrition.

Acne and Ayurveda

Skin treatment in Ayurveda states that acne is a result of imbalances between the three doshas – namely, Vata, pitta, and Kapha. We each have a different combination of each of these in our bodies, which determine our physical and mental makeup and health. Thus, any imbalance between the doshas is the root cause of illnesses.


1.    Aloe Vera Gel:  Apply overnight and wash your face with normal water, or you can apply it as a moisturizer after facewash.
2.    Neem Capsules: Take 2 capsules twice/thrice a day or as directed by your physician. For better results take it for 3-4 months.
3.    Skin Nail & Hair Care Capsule: Take 1 capsule in the morning on an empty stomach & 1 capsule in the evening half an
hour before a meal. Use twice daily for 3-6 months regularly for better results.
Results may vary based on sex, age, health & diet.

Product Description

Putting Aloevera gel on a red, swollen pimple can help reduce tenderness and pain. Aloe also has wound healing effects, so it may help heal open acne blemishes.

1. Aloevera Gel

Putting Aloevera gel on a red, swollen pimple can help reduce tenderness and pain. Aloe also has wound healing effects, so it may help heal open acne blemishes.

2. Neem Capsule

Get acne-free, clean & clear skin

  • Remove pus filled acne, pimples
  • Flush-out blood toxins causing acne
  • Control pus formation by eliminating excessive heat
  • Reduce acne marks, scars, black spots
  • Soothe itch & redness on skin
  • Treats root cause of skin disorders

3. Skin, Nail & Hair Care Capsules

Herbs for acne-free skin

Acerola Cherry(Malpighia Emarginated L Fruit): 
It promote skin elasticity and treat skin blemishes. The fruit is rich in several vitamins and other necessary ingredients needed to keep your skin flawless.
Grape seed Extract(Vitis Vinifera): 
Because of the proven antimicrobial properties of Grapeseed, some people use it to treat acne outbreaks. It makes sense that by attacking bacteria that can get deep into your pores and cause breakouts, Grapeseed can make your skin clearer.